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Mobile Phone: (57)3192343419, Bogota, Colombia , South America

WHO WE ARE?, red sinergica WHO WE ARE?

Red Sinérgica Regulatorios is a Colombian organization that provides specialized advisory activities with a technical, scientific and legal approach in regulatory procedures with local regulatory authorities to companies and persons according to their specific needs.

Our organization born of the need of companies, enterprises and persons to get into the Colombian market with their products, also that companies and persons clearly understand the technical and scientific requirements of local regulatory authorities. So, we are characterized in providing an integral advising activity to our customers with a pure scientific and technical approach.


vision , redsinergica OUR VISION

RSR will be  recognized nationally and internationally for its excellence and integrity in consulting activities developed with companies and individuals at the regional level in corporate and regulatory affairs based on high quality standards and professional ethics.

Mission, red sinergica OUR MISI0N

We are a professional organization that provides specialized, comprehensive and personalized advice on steps and procedures on regulatory affairs with a technical-scientific approach to the National Institute of Food and Drug Surveillance - INVIMA, the Colombian Agricultural Institute-ICA and the Colombian Patent and Trademark Office. Our academic training and experience ensure a timely, clear and effective advice to our clients as we integrate the scientific, technical and legal topics in a collaborative and unique purpose.

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